Bern - Introducing the Roosti!!

We will always remember Bern, Switzerland as the first place we ever tried a Roosti.
Had I the upgraded knowledge of how to make foreign accents on my keyboard, you would correctly see it written as Rosti with two dots placed over the "o".   It really doesn't matter how you spell it, as long as you can spell D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

Here's the basic concept.  Take some plain old potatoes and par boil them.
Grate them like hash browns.
Put them in a sizzling frying pan and crisp both sides with butter/olive oil.
Pour over these potatoes any combination of things your mind can dream up.
Here is what it looks like.  We love you Bern!

Dad's ham and mushroom

The boys share the mac and cheese roosti.  Yum!

We love markets - especially food markets.  Bern did not disappoint in that department either!

Oh yes....and Bern is also the beautiful capital of Switzerland.
Is ranked one of the top 10 cities in Europe to live in.
Is a UNESCO world heritage site.
Bern means - "bear" - we visited them too... after we ate. 

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