Payerne With Cousins!

The Swiss side of our family is Swiss German.  When my great grandmother was 18, she chose to follow her sister who had already settled in Canada.  One of her brothers came with her and another soon followed.  Two sisters remained in Switzerland.  Imagine leaving home at 18 and only ever seeing your parents once the rest of your life!  That breaks my mama heart.
One of those two sisters who stayed in Switzerland had a son who married a French girl.  These two raised their children as Swiss French...and voila!  We have Swiss French cousins!
It has been a blessing for us to stay in touch over the years and visit back and forth.

As we took the freeway exit to Payerne on our way to our cousin's home, this is the first sight that greeted us in beautiful Switzerland.

Our wonderful hosts!!

Another generation of family - so wonderful!  Hopefully, we can continue the line of love and friendship that has connected other generations in our family. 

I could get used to this way of dining!
Drinks and appetizers
Delicious meal
Course of cheeses and breads
.... and always chocolate nearby.  :)

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